Monday, November 9, 2009


Hair By Mr. Bean of London

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1: Bean goes to Derrick's barber shop for a haircut. Just as he is about to have the cut, the barber has to take a long telephone call. While he waits, three other customers come in assuming Mr. Bean is the new hairdresser, and he ends up cutting their hair very badly. They later return and blame Derrick for their awful haircuts, while Mr. Bean sneaks off hiding his face under a calendar of Prince Charles (with one customer greeting him as such).

Act 2: Bean goes to a fair and cheats at the indoor games. First, he plays the Electro wire by switching it off at the plug. Then he plays "Hit the Headmaster" (in which George Webb is the "headmaster") and gets a bit carried away, and starts throwing objects like canned peas and cereal boxes at the "headmaster" (he almost throws a chair, but is stopped thanks to a nearby teacher).

Act 3: Bean enters a dog show and uses his Teddy as his pet; he wins a huge bone but gets the honey for Teddy, throwing the bone back into the tent and creating mayhem among the kids and the dogs.

Act 4: Bean goes to a railway station. Unfortunately, he has lost his ticket, and decides to sneak past the guards. However, he ends up hiding inside a post office bag destined for Moscow.

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