Monday, November 9, 2009


Mind The Baby, Mr. Bean

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Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

ACT 1: Bean goes to a funfair at Southsea in Portsmouth, but accidentally leaves his Mini's boot unlocked, and the handle pulls a baby's pram with it to the funfair. Once Bean notices the "kidnapped" baby, he sees no choice but to look after it while enjoying himself.

After a series of misfortunes involving a dodgem, a large dog and the baby's pram, Mr. Bean decides to go off on his own, leaving the baby in a Postman Pat kiddie ride with nine coins in it while he gets bored on a roller coaster, shoots an arrow at a stall tender and attempts to cheat in a games arcade. (When he does win, a young boy steals his prize). Meanwhile, a huge queue builds up by Postman Pat. Eventually he is forced by disgruntled mothers to retrieve the baby when he comes to put more coins in the ride.

Bean then notices that there is a smell coming from the baby. He realises that its nappy needs changing, and manages to remove it near the entrance to a ride. Unable to find any fresh nappies, he rips open a girl's teddy bear and uses that as a makeshift nappy. Unfortunately the dirty nappy takes a haphazard journey across the amusement park, landing in the faces of several people along the way.

Later, after winning a goldfish at a game booth, Mr Bean is forced to keep the fish in his mouth after splitting the bag. However, he accidentally swallows it after winning at Bingo, then subsequently splutters it across the room into a bowl with another goldfish.

After the bingo game, he cannot stop the child from crying and decides to buy a huge bunch of helium-filled balloons to cheer it up. However, the balloons lift the baby and pram into the air. Bean is forced to use his archery skills and manages to burst just the right number of balloons with one shot. This results in the pram making a soft landing beside the baby's mother, who is overjoyed to get her baby back, although confused by the teddy bear nappy that Bean had put on it earlier. Meanwhile, Bean drives off in his Mini - which, unknown to him, is also carrying a rather fierce dog.

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