Monday, November 9, 2009


Rides Again

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1: Bean wants to go to the post office, but the battery in his car is dead, so he decides to catch a bus instead. He reaches the bus stop where a man is already waiting for the bus. Unfortunately the man suddenly suffers from a heart attack. Bean tries to revive him by stomping on him, stuffing pills down his throat, trying mouth-to-mouth resuscitation (with the man's magazine) and using electric shock treatment using jump leads connected to a nearby lamp post. This initially works, but he forgets to remove the jump leads from his hands when the man offers a handshake, giving the man another electric shock which makes him pass out again. An ambulance comes, but while the paramedics treat the man, Bean uses the battery in the ambulance to jump start his Mini. Bean drives off, leaving the ambulance disabled due to a dead battery.

Act 2: Bean heads to a postbox and on his way he accidentally swallows his stamp. He offers to post a letter for a lady, pretends he's posted it but hangs on to it until she's gone so that he can get another stamp for his own letter. He then steals the stamp by using steam from his car radiator, and sticks it to his own letter using a sweet stuck (since the first episode) to the inside of his pocket, and strikes it to his own letter with a fist (when using just one finger to stick it down doesn't work). The postman arrives to empty the box just as the lady returns to find her letter on the ground and complains to the postman that there was a stamp on her letter but she doesn't know what happened to it. Bean hides inside the postbox to avoid getting told off by the postman for the theft of the stamp and gets locked inside for an unknown amount of time (the original commercial break occurred here), though as the postbox had a "1" showing, it ought to have been the next day. When he is finally released (by another postman) he loses his keys down a drain and has to get a bus home.

Act 3: Bean tries to pack for a holiday, but his small case does not have space for his clothes as well as his tins of baked beans. He ridiculously reduces the size of his things (often using scissors) to fit them in a small briefcase, by cutting up a pair of trousers (which was unnecessary since he already had shorts), breaking up his toothbrush, pouring some toothpaste down the sink, taking just one sandal, and using a flannel for a towel but hasn't the heart to cut up his teddy bear. After finally managing to fit his things in the tiny briefcase, he reaches under the bed and discovers that he owned another briefcase, almost double the size of the small one. But since his small briefcase is already packed, he just puts it into the larger suitcase along with the one thing he couldn't pack before — a book.

Act 4: Bean boards a train and then reads a book across from another man (Stephen Frost) in the same compartment who is also reading. The man begins laughing loudly and continuously at a passage in his book. Bean struggles to plug his ears to avoid the laughter, eliciting curious stares when the man looks up then he finds some Bubblegum which works. Finally the conductor (Nick Hancock) comes in and asks for tickets. Bean is startled by his presence, accidentally ejecting his book, with the ticket tucked inside, out the train window.

Act 5: Bean then boards an aircraft, but is forced to look after a sick boy next to him. He tries to cheer the boy up by various means, by sticking magazine bits on his face to amuse him, playing with a self-inflating life jacket (it later flies out of Bean's seat) and by blowing air into a paper bag and trying to pop it. He discovers that the bag is too small, and starts rummaging for another bag. While his back is turned, the boy vomits into a Mid-flight Sick Bag when the aircraft experiences a bit of turbulence, and offers the bag to Bean, who takes it unaware and smashes the vomit-filled bag. The act ends with the popping noise of the bag, not showing the outcome.

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