Monday, November 9, 2009



Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos


Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1: Mr. Bean is late for his mathematics exam and speeds past a Reliant three wheeler, nearly tipping it over. Once he reaches the college, he irritates a fellow candidate by getting out many spare pens and a number of mascots, including a Pink Panther doll. He has studied trigonometry, but he finds a calculus paper in the envelope. He spends the duration of his two hours trying to cheat off another candidate (Paul Bown), and doesn't realise until the last minute that there were two papers in the envelope: one calculus, the other trigonometry, with the student given a choice as to which to do.

Act 2: Bean goes to the beach and tries to change from his street trousers and underpants into his swimming trunks without ever becoming naked, in order to prevent a nearby man (Roger Sloman) from seeing him. After he succeeds, it emerges that the man was actually blind.

Act 3: After a parking altercation, once again involving the Reliant, Bean attends a church service. Unfortunately he doesn't know the words to the hymns, sneezes loudly and falls asleep out of boredom, much to the annoyance of Mr. Sprout (Richard Briers) who is sitting next to him. To stay awake, he tries to put a mint in his mouth without being seen. On the way back home, he takes a wrong turn and crashes his Mini.

Mr. Bean

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