Monday, November 9, 2009


Goodnight, Mr. Bean

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1: Mr. Bean has to go to hospital after getting his hand stuck in a teapot, but becomes impatient while waiting his turn. First, he starts a fight to clear two men from the queue, then steals a ticket from another more seriously injured patient and overturns a counter, although he eventually manages to lose his place anyway. Frustratedly, he throws his ticket into the dustbin, only to get his other hand caught in the dustbin.

Act 2: Bean irritates a Queen's Guard with a camera by dressing him up with flowers and other things. He trims the Guard's moustache into a toothbrush moustache, and impales his Teddy on the Guard's bayonet. Just before he can take the photo, the charge is called, and the Guard walks away, Teddy and all. A photo of Bean chasing after the Guard was taken at the end of this act.

Act 3: Bean prepares for bed but has trouble falling asleep. After trying several methods for getting to sleep, he finally falls asleep by counting sheep with a calculator, and then during the credits, he falls out of bed.

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