Monday, November 9, 2009


The Trouble With Mr. Bean

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Act 1: Bean oversleeps and is late for his dental appointment. In order to save time, he decides to get dressed and brush his teeth while driving to the dentist, using a brick to hold down the accelerator while he changes his trousers and puts on his shoes and socks and shooting screenwash into his mouth to rinse it after brushing his teeth. He also accidentally sounds his car horn while putting on his socks.

Act 2: Bean arrives at the dentist's office, where he cannot find anything in the waiting room to read - except for a Batman comic book with The Road Warriors on the back cover which is already being read by a young boy (the comic is actually his which he brought from home with him). When the boy refuses to let him share the comic, he stealthily pours water from a vase into the boy's lap to make his mother believe he wet himself, causing her to take him home. After getting the comic, he is immediately called in to see the dentist (Richard Wilson). While in the chair, when the dentist turns on the radio playing The Blue Danube, he meddles with the controls on the dentist's chair and the dentist's equipment while his back is turned, and as a result accidentally numbs the dentist's leg with an injection of Novocain, causing him to pass out. Bean, feeling inconvenienced by this, decides to treat himself - however he can't tell which tooth needs attention, so he performs the procedure on all of his own teeth. Just as the dentist recovers, Bean leaves, content with his work.

Act 3: While in a park Bean spots a young boy who is having difficulty with his remote control boat. Bean generously tries to help him by opening the controller and tweaking some circuitry. Amazingly the controller now works, but unknowingly to both Bean and the boy it is now also controlling an electric wheelchair behind him. After hogging the boat for some time, and causing mayhem behind him, Bean finally gives the controller back to the boy, but only when (unknown to both of them) the wheelchair is already behind the boy, moving towards him. As Bean moves away, a loud splash is heard.

Act 4: Still in the park, Bean tries to have a picnic, but a nearby wasp falls desperately in love with Bean's cupcake. After trying to catch the wasp by swatting at it, jousting with it, chasing it around, and trapping it in a bottle of juice, he swats it between the pages of his book, only to pique the interest of an entire swarm of wasps, which attack him. Bean ultimately races away from his picnic site and throws the bun at a car thief (whose thieving attempts Bean managed to foil by removing his steering wheel and bringing it with him on his picnic).

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