Monday, November 9, 2009


Goes To Town

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Act 1: Bean buys a portable television for his flat, and has difficulty in trying to position the antenna to get good reception. When he discovers that he can only get reception if he sits in a part of the room where he cannot see the screen, he is distraught. Ingeniously, he strips down and assembles his clothes — underwear and all — on the chair, and the television starts working - just before his pre-paid electricity meter runs out.

Act 2: Bean tries out his new Polaroid camera in the park, but it is stolen by a thief (Nick Hancock) when he asks him to take his photo. Although Bean chases down and stops the thief by putting a rubbish bin over his head and poking him with a pencil, he gets away again as Bean tries to alert a passing police officer. Later, Bean is at the police station being asked to identify the thief in a police line up. However he only successfully identifies the thief after he's subjected the entire line to a pencil poking test while the suspects are all wearing bins over their heads.
Act 3: Bean gets an itch in his foot while in the town, so he takes off his shoe and sock to scratch it. But he puts his shoe on a roof of a parked Mazda. The car drives away, leaving Bean to hop through the town to find it (which he eventually does).
Act 4: Bean goes to the I.D. picture machine, where he takes pictures of himself. It takes only a few seconds, and his pictures are released after he slaps the machine, only to find out that he took pictures of his back to check his hair cut.
Act 5: Bean goes out with his girlfriend at night to a magic show and disco. He deliberately messes up the magic act in an attempt to retrieve his watch the magician "stole" as part of a trick, and embarrasses his girlfriend so much that she dumps him for another man. After attempting to interfere with his attempts to dance with her, Bean leaves the disco, but not before shutting off the power first. On his way home Bean passes a window display of television sets, which individually lose their picture just as he passes them.

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