Monday, November 9, 2009


In Room 426

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Act 1: Bean stays in a posh hotel where he gets into many escapades. He jumps on the bed, decapitates Teddy by putting him in the drawer, hands the bellhop a cough drop instead of a tip, drills holes in the walls to hang his pictures, turns his television on at full volume, and sneaks into his neighbour's bathroom to have a bath by drilling a hole through the wall behind his wardrobe. On the way to lunch, after finding out the lift is out of order, Mr. Bean is forced to take an unconventional route downstairs to avoid an elderly lady by hanging on the outside of the banister, only to be caught between her and her frail husband. At lunchtime, after pushing through the queue, he copies his neighbour by taking the same food as he, only twice as much, and mimicking his movements. But he also saves his oysters for last, which his neighbour discovers to be rotten after Bean has devoured them. That night, he is feeling unwell with a high temperature and has a terrible dream about the oysters. Waking up in a sweat, Bean removes his pajamas, but while attempting to sleep, his other neighbour plays loud music. Bean walks out of his room stark naked to knock on the neighbor's door, but his own door closes, and Bean finds himself locked out of his room, naked. He manages to get to the ground floor by covering himself with a fire extinguisher and various signboards marked "Private", "Exit", "Out of Order" and "No Entry". He attempts to get down to the lobby and find the spare key, as the manager is distracted by Danny La Rue's show. To avoid being caught naked, Bean sneaks into LaRue's spare frock, and asks the manager for the spare key. But Danny sees him and rips a clip-on earring off his ear for stealing his frock.

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