Monday, November 9, 2009


Merry Christmas Mr Bean

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1: It's Christmas Eve and Bean decides to visit Harrods causing his usual brand of chaos by behaving rather inappropriately while inside such a prestigious department store. After parking directly at the front of the store and harassing a man dressed as Father Christmas by pulling his fake beard, Bean proceeds to shop for Christmas decorations subjecting them to his usual scrutiny - if it breaks, don't buy it. He also tests some Christmas lights using the same socket used for the exterior Christmas lights, plunging the exterior of the store into darkness in the process. He then starts playing with the figurines in an in-store display, performing a rather inaccurate Nativity scene involving T. rex, army tanks and a Dalek. The store manager stops him by putting a figurine of a policeman onto the set. It took Bean several seconds to react to that.

Act 2: Bean meets his girlfriend Irma Gobb in the town, where she tries to give him the message that she wants an engagement ring as a present. He wins a free turkey (by cheating), then upon seeing another man dressed as Father Christmas decides to pull the beard again... only for the beard to be real causing Bean to make a quick exit while the man recovers. He then catches a pickpocket and gives the thief's items to a Salvation Army brass band conductor. Bean then ends up conducting the band in a ridiculous way while the conductor tries on the items that the pick-pocket stole. Bean leaves but not before he takes the town's very large Christmas tree home with him. .

Act 3: Bean prepares for Christmas Eve by setting up the Christmas tree that he stole. Then putting out the stockings for Father Christmas; one for himself, one for teddy and a tiny one for a mouse. He makes a “super cracker”, a Christmas cracker with many fuses from other crackers inside. Bean gives himself several Christmas cards – all of the same design. He swiftly despairs of war films on every channel, and then shuts the door rather rudely on young carol singers without giving them anything, even though he brings a box of chocolates to the door.

Act 4: This act starts on Christmas morning when Bean discovers what Father Christmas gave him. He got a new pair of socks, Teddy got a tin of two drawing pins to replace his eyes and the mouse got a piece of cheese - ironically which Bean then places on a mousetrap. He then tries to prepare the turkey, but loses his watch while stuffing it, and pokes his head inside, getting it stuck on his head just as his girlfriend arrives. He picks up a crosscut saw to try to get it off, but accidentally freaks her out. She then helps Bean get the turkey off. Later, they have dinner (sandwiches), and Bean gives his girlfriend her present: not the engagement ring she wanted, but a portrait used as part of the shop's window dressing for the ring, which he believed is what she was pointing to. She begins to cry, but Mr. Bean mutters "I forgot the main bit!". He takes out a ring box and hands it to her. As she opens the box eagerly, she discovers that it was not an engagement ring but in fact a hook, meant for hanging the picture. She leaves the flat, very miserable and very upset. At the end of the episode, an outside view of Mr Bean's window is given, as he pulls the “super cracker” he made earlier; it produces a bright flash seen through the curtains.

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