Monday, November 9, 2009


Tee Off, Mr. Bean

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Watch Movies Online Pictures, Images and Photos

Act 1: Bean goes to the launderette to wash his clothes, an inflatable dragon (which is still inflated), some fluffy dice, a lamp shade, a doormat and his Teddy, but Bean sees that the wash no longer costs £2 and costs £3. He gets intimidated by a man who takes his washing machine and frequently makes threatening gestures towards him. Bean realises he's wearing underwear he wanted to wash so he stands behind a partition to change out of them, accidentally getting his trousers mixed up with a lady's skirt. This escalates the taunting from the bully so Bean decides to get revenge on him. He substitutes the bully's soap detergent with black coffee. Unfortunately, Bean is forced to drink some detergent to disguise the fact he switched the cups. This works, and when the bully's shirt emerges severely stained from the wash, he blames the owner of the launderette. Later, after retrieving his mutated washing (including a shrunken Teddy) from the drier, Bean needs to retrieve his trousers from the lady's washing. He resorts to climbing into a drier to find them just as the lady returns and closes it (and starts it) with Bean still inside.

Act 2: Bean plays a game of 'Krazy Golf'. He scores a hole-in-one on the first hole, then on the second hole he hits the ball onto open grass. The owner forces him to obey a rule of having to get the ball back to the course by only touching it with his club. He then hits the ball out of the golfing grounds and this takes Bean on a very elaborate journey as the ball ends up on a London Country Leyland National bus, inside a lady's shopping bag, on a boy's ice-cream, up the exhaust pipe of a Proton car, down a sewer, on a rubbish cart and finally onto a village green. Bean hitchhikes a lift back to the golf course with the ball still on the patch of turf it landed on, which Bean cut out of the green. As the sun sets, he finally taps the ball into the hole with a final score of 3,427.

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